Wellbeing tips for the new year

Getting through the winter months is never easy. The new year’s excitement is coming to an end, and the wintery bitterness seems to be persisting, so we thought we’d share some ways we’ve been working through the January blues, and a couple of suggestions that we’ve found and will be trying ourselves! Blue Monday was this week (yes, we know it’s a marketing gimmick) but this time of year could benefit from a little positivity to help you boost your physical and mental health. 

Keep active and volunteer

Getting outside enjoying the clear blue days and embracing the chilly weather is something we’d definitely recommend. It’s scientifically proven that getting outdoors does wonders for your wellbeing. We read an article this week from The Guardian about the significance of volunteering and getting outside in boosting mental health. There are plenty of ways to help others, clean up our natural world and get some much-needed fresh air. Whether it’s taking the kids outside for a beach litter pick, or volunteering more formally, bringing together some time outside, with doing good can be excellent for getting over those January blues.

Eat well

The Guardian’s new recipe app is a great new way to make spring dishes from what’s left in your cupboards. If you’re looking for cosy new recipes, also check out the BBC Food’s Winter warmer recipes.

Something we often forget at this time of year is the importance of nourishing lunches. Katie has been making butternut squash soup recently, packing it full of vegetables and spices to keep her going in the colder months. This is a great, cheap meal that lasts a few days and your kitchen will smell incredible when you’re roasting squash, onions, garlic and carrots.

We all know the benefits of eating well, but enjoying the process of cooking, as much as the eating, is an excellent way to enjoy the dark evenings.

Set realistic goals for yourself

January is a month filled with goals and new beginnings. Often these aspirations are unrealistic or things you’re unlikely to maintain. There is real power in being kind to yourself when goal setting. Even on a day-to-day basis, think about things that you really need to do, things you want to do, and start there, giving yourself the right amount of time and tools to effectively get things done.

Remember to take into account that the days feel shorter and you may lose motivation as soon as the sun begins to set.

Keep connected

January can be a lonely time for many, with some of us preferring to hunker down and stay indoors in the warm! Make sure you keep connected with family and friends, finding way to make time for the people that matter most to you. Just because work can feel very busy at this time of year, doesn’t mean that all your time is gone. Cherish those evenings.

Extra tips from The Indispensary

  1. It may feel like your work takes over your life, but the dark evenings do not mean that you have run out of time. Take care of yourself in the evenings. Baths, movie nights, reading a book, cooking – all will help you feel like work hasn’t completely taken over.
  2. Vitamins are no joke! If you struggle to eat your 5 (or 10) a day, top up with your multi-vitamins and make sure you’re boosting your immune system to protect yourself from the cold and flu.
  3. Enjoy these cosy activities such as puzzles, board games or snuggle up with a book.
  4. Take control of your calendar – staying organised will help you keep on top of those to-do lists whilst making time for self-care, and the people who matter to you.
  5. For more tips to protect your wellbeing in relation to the workplace, check out our blog: 6 easy tips to protect your wellbeing.
  6. If you are a charity leader looking to save yourself time and prioritise wellbeing, check out our ‘6 simple time savers‘ – a guide to getting more done for ambitious charity leaders.

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