The Samphire Club

Why Work With Us / Case Studies

Photo courtesy of Poppy Jakes Photography

The Samphire Club

The Samphire Club is a private members’ club that promotes a better way of networking throughout the SouthWest.

The Samphire Club offers business owners and professionals valuable networking opportunities through a programme of events, introductions and strategic business development support. They are a thriving community of like-minded business people throughout the South West -from Bristol and Bath through to Exeter, Plymouth, Truro and beyond.

This is where you can meet the decision-makers, learn from, and share your knowledge with others, and enjoy outstanding hospitality at some of the regions finest food and drink venues.

Photo courtesy of Poppy Jakes Photography

Why a VA?

During the Samphire Club’s first year of business, John was attempting to do every and all tasks himself. This quickly led to burnout and John knew he had to do something about it if he wanted his situation to improve and his business to survive.

Fortunately, during lunch with a friend in his network, John was given some valuable advice that he now passes on to others. He was told he should outsource, but John felt he ‘couldn’t afford to’. He was told by his wise friend that he ‘couldn’t afford not to.’

John had a change of mindset around this time and began to see the benefits of outsourcing in his business, understanding that hiring a VA is an investment as opposed to a cost.

“It boils down to what’s the best use of your time as a business owner. If you’re billing X amount per hour, why are you spending that hour doing tasks you could outsource for less?”

We spoke to Founder, John Harvey, to get his take on what support and solutions The Indispensary provides to his rapidly growing business, and why having this support is vital.

“Joanne is intimidatingly efficient…”

“I’d always liked Joanne and respected her reputation. I was in a position where I needed to move from an existing VA to another and I’d already put the feelers out and was waiting for replies. I ran into Joanne at an awards event and it was fate that she had availability. It was no coincidence, it was serendipity, and I’m glad it’s worked out the way it did.“

The Benefits

Before working with The Indispensary, The Samphire Club had some processes in place, however there were improvements needed for a smooth day to day operation.

John found himself still working in the business, rather than on the business.
Working with The Indispensary has allowed The Samphire Club to become structured and proactive, processes are in place and strategic tasks, events, and targets are scheduled well in advance.

John attributes the continued growth of his business to having all the right elements in place since working with Joanne. Processes are smooth, there is a regular rhythm, and everyone involved is able to do what they do best.

“I’m able to be much more discerning with my time now, knowing that everything that needs doing is being taken care of and given due attention by Joanne. It’s had a huge impact on my business as I know it’s in safe hands. Working with Joanne has offered multiple benefits, of which peace of mind is just one.”

Adding Value

You can’t put a price on great working relationships. John loves working with Joanne and the team as they have an in-depth understanding of his business, a strong rapport with him and the club’s members, and he knows he’ll be politely ‘nudged’ if needed (which is welcomed!).

Often when we face challenges in business we’re unsure where to turn for support and guidance but John knows he can trust Joanne to help him solve any issues that may arise, acting as a sounding board and offering insight from her experience as a business owner along with her exposure to a wide variety of other businesses.

The Indispensary team pride themselves on grasping our clients’ businesses, understanding them at a deep level, and being direct with clients if we believe something could potentially harm their brand. John has said how impressed he is with this aspect of the team and is grateful for the care, guidance, wisdom, and insight Joanne has to offer.

Why Us?

John had already heard of Joanne and knew she had a sterling reputation. After meeting her several times through their shared network, John got to know Joanne and was over the moon when she told him she had some availability and could help support and grow his business.

John felt that Joanne was amazingly professional, but knowing, liking, and trusting someone to work so closely on his business was vital. Joanne embodied John’s core values and the relationship grew from there.

Talking with Joanne about what he needed support with, John was able to see the importance of hiring a team of professionals who had his business’s best interests at heart. Joanne was able to give guidance and offer proactive support, pre-empting John’s potential future business needs.

“Joanne is an absolute joy to work with. Knowing I can rely on her is vital and I’d recommend her to everyone. She has delivered on everything, and then some! Working with her has been hugely beneficial to the growth of the business and I look forward to our continued long term relationship.”

If this sounds like what you need, we’d love to talk to you.