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5 things you need to do before hiring a VA

5 things you need to do before hiring a VA

So, you’re thinking about hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA)? We don’t blame you. The demand for VAs has rocketed of late as more charities are seeking remote workers who aren’t tied to a permanent contract of employment. As many organisations have stayed virtual in the...

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When is the right time to bring on a VA?

When is the right time to bring on a VA?

We have had many discussions with charity leaders in the last few weeks, many of whom asked us the same question: "When is the right time to bring on a Virtual Assistant?" The answer? The moment you realise you're wearing too many hats. Accepting support is something...

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How Google Ad Grants will help you reach more donors

How Google Ad Grants will help you reach more donors

Is your Charity making the most of the Google Ad Grant scheme? The Google Ad Grants scheme provides non-profits with up to £7,000 in ads per month to raise awareness, attract donors and recruit volunteers. At its core, the scheme is about supporting charities in their...

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Wilma Henry

UX/UI Designer

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. dummy text of the printing Ltting industry.