Insley Consulting

Why Work With Us / Case Studies

Insley Consulting

Insley Consulting helps visionary charities and social enterprises to ensure their big ideas achieve a sustained impact.

Supporting clients with Evaluation, Strategy and Fundraising through consultancy and workshops, Insley Consulting is passionate about helping social purpose organisations to generate social change by ensuring their long-term sustainability and helping them to achieve maximum impact.

Why a VA?

Prior to founding Insley Consulting, Emma was a charity CEO with a full team at her disposal. This meant that others were taking care of the day-to-day admin, diary organisation, social media, marketing etc. However, upon becoming self-employed Emma soon found that she was spending far too much time on these tasks and activities that, although necessary, were not the best use of her time.

Emma knew she needed expert help so that she could focus on what she does best and drive the business forward.

We spoke to Emma Insley, Founder and Lead Consultant, about how invaluable the support of The Indispensary is to the business.

The Benefits

The benefits have been significant and working with Joanne and the team has meant that Emma has more time and headspace to focus on her business and expand the team.

Before working with The Indispensary, Emma found that simple tasks were taking her way too long to do. Add in the hesitation many of us face when it comes to creating and publishing our own content as well as the tendency to overthink and, before you know it, hours have passed with no billable activity.

Emma says that since working with Joanne, whilst her to-do list is still long, she knows she can focus on the tasks that are within her zone of genius and now has peace of mind that the rest is taken care of.

“I want to express huge gratitude to Joanne and the team for the business support which has contributed to our success in the last few years, and by success we’re talking about more than doubling turnover”

“Joanne is an absolute pleasure to work with, a joy, a really nice person. She’s not just proactive, she’s really helped me to understand what is my area of my zone of genius and what can be delegated and released to others – which is a huge bonus.”

Adding Value

With the support of Joanne and the team, Emma has been able to grow her business and profits. She’s over the moon that she’s able to take ‘real’ holidays, happy in the knowledge that her business is running without her direct input or intervention.

Joanne is instrumental in protecting Emma’s time within her schedule, as well as allowing her to prioritise what really matters. Emma feels relief to be able to hand over a task, knowing that it will get done in the best way possible.

Additionally, Emma feels that having access to a team of experts has allowed her to be more discerning in what she herself undertakes, freeing her up to do what she’s best at.

Why Us?

Emma met Joanne at a marketing conference as they were both doing the same marketing programme. Emma was keen to have the support of a VA who understood the intricacies of what she was learning and developing through the marketing programme and so Joanne was a natural choice.

Part of the appeal for Emma was that Joanne had an established team of virtual assistants, and so there would be somebody who could do almost anything that she would need within her business.

With Joanne at the helm of a team of supportive and experienced VAs, Emma considered working with The Indispensary a no-brainer.

If this sounds like what you need, we’d love to talk to you.