Helping you find YOUR target audience

According to HubSpot, most marketers don’t actually know their audience! So to help with that, we are going to guide you through the process of finding your perfect target audience, and give you some useful tips to make the most out of this information. 

What is a target audience?

We are all being pulled in a million different directions, so we need to put our energy where it matters, and think strategically! Unless you’re Google, it’s unlikely that your target audience is ‘everyone’. Narrowing down your audience into a specific group of people can really help you focus on what matters most and target people who actually care about what you have to offer!

A target audience is the group of people or customers that your business aims to reach. These are the people who may want or need the services or products you provide. By understanding who your audience is, what they like, and how best to communicate with them, your business will start having a positive impact on those who need you. 

Imagine you run a cosy bookstore. Your target audience would likely be book lovers, perhaps those who enjoy a good novel with a cup of tea. You’d tailor your book selections, promotions, and store ambiance to make them feel right at home.

By identifying your target audience, you can get to know your customers. This knowledge will help you to offer the services they want and communicate in a way that resonates with them. Like finding the right key, you need to know what the lock looks like, before you can help your target audience with the means to walk right through the door. 


How to really get to know your target audience 

Tip: Take your time with this part. Don’t let it overwhelm you. Try creating a schedule that will help you manage your time and get to each step as and when you are ready. 


Step 1: Define your business

Start by clearly defining your business, its mission, and the products or services you offer. What problems do you solve, and what value do you provide? By understanding what your business is and what it does for people, you can begin to consider who your ideal clients are.


Step 2: Identify your current customers

Look at your existing customer base. Who are your most loyal and frequent customers? What do they have in common? Are they individuals or other businesses? Collect data on their demographics, location, and purchase history.


Step 3: Create customer personas

Based on the information you’ve gathered, create customer personas. These are fictional representations of your ideal customers, including details like age, gender, interests, and pain points. You might have more than one persona if your business serves a diverse audience. This will help you to resonate with customers, particularly if you have struggled to visualise who your company serves. 


Step 4: Survey and gather feedback

Reach out to your current customers with surveys or feedback forms. Ask questions about their needs, preferences, and what they like about your products or services. Their input can provide valuable insights regarding what you can do to improve your business with the customers at the forefront. 


Step 5: Analyse website and social media data

Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to gather data on your website visitors and social media followers. Find out where they come from, what content they engage with, and how they interact with your business online.


Taking it a step further

Step 6: Test and refine

As you implement changes in your marketing and customer engagement strategies, monitor the results. Pay attention to what works and what doesn’t. Begin to adjust your approach to better align with your target audience’s preferences and needs.


Step 7: Stay informed and adapt

The market and customer preferences change over time. Stay informed about industry trends and regularly revisit your understanding of your target audience. Update your customer personas as needed to keep your marketing efforts relevant.


Useful tips and tricks for using target audience to boost your business 

Speak their language: Tailor your communication to match the language and tone preferred by your target audience. Whether it’s formal or casual, using words and phrases familiar to them creates a stronger connection.

Personalise your offers: Leverage the data you’ve gathered to personalise your offerings. Tailor product recommendations, promotions, and content to match the specific interests and needs of different segments within your target audience.

Timing is key: Identify the peak times your target audience is active online or more receptive to your messages. Schedule your social media posts, emails, or promotions accordingly to maximise visibility and impact.

Offer exclusive benefits: Create special offers, discounts, or content exclusive to your target audience. This not only makes them feel valued but also encourages loyalty and word-of-mouth promotion within their circles.

Utilise influencer partnerships: Identify influencers or thought leaders within your target audience. Collaborate with them to amplify your message. Their endorsement can significantly enhance your credibility and reach.


We hope these insights help you connect with your target audience successfully. Share your thoughts in the comments below—whether it’s about implementing these tips or your experiences in understanding your audience. We would love to hear from you!


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